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A look into top 10 hottest games released in 2021

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

There is no doubt about the excitement and anticipation about PC games. Whether you are an entry-level gamer with an interest in exploring new titles or a high-end gamer with a wide selection of favorite games; there is something for everyone in the world of games. Thus, finding the hottest games in 2021 is an…

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Answering the question ‘How big SSD do I need?’

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

An SSD or solid state drive has turned into one of the important components in a computer. As a storage device that can retain the data on a permanent basis, it is undoubtedly essential for any computer system. While finding the answer to how big SSD do I need, it is important to understand the…

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Maximize your computer’s performance with an SSD

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

Solid state drive or SSD is a relatively new kind of internal storage that stores the data on a permanent basis. Unlike memory or RAM that saves the instructions for a short-term based on current usage, SSD stores data for the long term. Even if you shut down the computer, the data is intact in…

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Pros and cons of using SSD as your main hard drive

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

A computer system requires a storage device for saving all the necessary information. Unlike memory that saves the data on a temporary basis, storage is required for permanent or long-term storage. Even if you shut down the computer, the data is still safe and intact in the storage. By using an SSD as your main…

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When to upgrade your PC’s hard drive to an SSD?

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

Storage space is one of the main requirements in any computer. A PC must have adequate internal space for storing files, applications, programs, and media. Storage refers to a long-term or permanent type that can save data as long as you use the computer. Unlike RAM memory that saves data for a short while, storage…

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Benefits of SSDs for computer usage

By Yi Pan / September 28, 2021 /

A solid state drive or SSD offers many advantages when it comes to data storage and processing speed. SSDs consist of flash memory chips that store the data instructions based on electrical charges. Due to the flash memory technology, it can overcome many disadvantages of an HDD. First and foremost, it does not involve any…

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