Best Cash Offer For Technology
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Why use
A+ Rating with
the BBB
A+ Rating and Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau.
Super Fast
We pay as soon as 1 business day upon complete inspection of your shipment. No one can match our speed!
Offering Higher
We’re recognized as often paying top dollar for equipment. We constantly compares all market prices and offers your equipment the highest price.
We Buy All Types & Conditions
Memory, processors, complete server systems, company overstock, retired data center equipment- you name it, we probably buy it!
Transparent &
Honest Process
We never bait and switch- our offers are guaranteed. Our customer service team keeps you updated every step of the way.
Thousands of Devices Bought
& Sold Globally
We’ve been in business for over 10 years, serving thousands of corporate, business and individual customers.