Cyber security is an important area that ensures optimum performance capability and safe data usage. When we use internet connected devices such as computers and laptops; we can be vulnerable to data theft and hacking. Hackers can use many incorrect practices to gain an entry into your system and extract all the sensitive information. This makes it extremely essential to focus on protecting and securing your home computer.
Home computer contains personal and sensitive details such as images, videos, financial files, identification information, tax details, bank information and much more. It is extremely essential to ensure the safety and security. When attackers gain unauthorized access to your network, they can use the information for many illegal purposes. Protecting your computer privacy and safety is the only way to avoid the leak of sensitive information.
Besides taking away your data, attackers can also wipe or alter the data by installing malware. This software is designed for malicious purposes. It can start to take your information or alter it without your knowledge.
How to secure your home computer from hackers
Commercial facilities and offices often have a complex system of security measures to prevent an attack. They employ many safety processes at multiple steps of the way. It is done to ensure that the data is secured within the facility. There are advanced safety measures for servers, processors, external storage devices, and any other components.
While using the system at home, we may not pay attention to security in a similar manner. It is not possible to invest huge sums of money for cyber security at a household level. But it is necessary to perform certain steps. You can take some essential measures to securing your home computer.
Installing anti-virus software to secure computer
This is the first and foremost essential step for securing home computer. The anti-virus software includes programs that protect your computer from any kind of unauthorized access. If a suspicious component tries to access your data, the anti-virus program can block it as soon as it is detected. They have a real-time capability to detect any potential threats. Viruses may slow down your system or alter certain key files in your system. An anti-virus software has the ability to detect such key features. It can also prevent them from changing the data.
Some anti-virus programs can give real-time updates as soon as it spots a suspicious behavior. It can also provide an analysis of the viruses and overall health of your system. It is important to run the virus scan on a regular basis. You can set a reminder for regular virus scan. When the computer performs scheduled virus scanning on a regular basis, you can be assured about the security and safety. Some commonly used anti-virus programs include Avast, Malwarebytes, Panda Free Antivirus, and Bitdefender.
Using a firewall
A firewall acts as a barrier between the computer and outside world. It can prevent the entry of any suspicious programs. This can keep your applications safe and secured from a virus attack. It is an efficient method to secure a home computer. There are built-in firewalls in Windows and MacOS. If you require additional firewall support, you can opt for a firewall built-in with the broadband routers.
Using complex passwords
Using a complicated password is one of the most efficient methods to secure home computer. Most of the attacks can occur due to network-based errors. A virus can find its way through the internet and attack your email. It can also attack browser and gain access to sensitive data on your system. This makes it essential to use a complicated password. It is advisable to use a complex string of letters, numbers, and symbols. The password should have a random combination of these factors without sticking to any clear pattern.
You should avoid to use any personal details as a password. For example, if you use birthdays, house address, phone number, or other such identifying information; it can be hacked easily. Often attackers gain access to one set of sensitive details that can help them invade into any complicated system. Hence, it is advisable to use complicated passwords that cannot be traced back to you. It is also necessary to change your password on a regular basis. You can set a reminder in order to change the password. Besides changing the password for your email, you can also change the password for bank websites. Additionally, you change password on social media platforms, forums, and other web-based services.
Updating your OS, browser, and applications
It is necessary to update your OS on a regular basis. The OS may send updates to your system with new patches and security fixes. These fixes can prevent any virus from entering into your system. By updating the OS, you can secure the home computer. The security fixes can include new information about any potential attacks. By updating the OS as soon as possible, you can reduce the risk of a virus attack. Similarly, you can update your applications with any new fixes. It can eliminate the possibility of a viral attack. The website browsers also have security fixes and privacy settings. This can assist you with a secured transaction. It is important to check for any updates and install them at the earliest.
You can activate the notification section to receive messages about these updates. It can be easy to install them on a regular basis.
Avoiding spam
Spam is the most common method that can target your computer with faulty links and malicious data. Hence, you should not open any emails from suspicious senders. Also, do not download any attachments or files from unknown sources. Most spam filters can detect any suspicious emails and block them from entering your system. You can clear the spam folder regularly. You can also delete such emails permanently. If you suspect that a particular email is spam, you can report it so and block the sender.
Securing your network
When you set up a router for network connection, you can go to settings and enable all the high security features. You can log into the route and set a password to prevent any attacks from suspicious sources.
Using two-factor authentication
Besides using a password, you can also use an additional feature known as two-factor authentication. Some websites give an option of two-factor authentication. If you activate the setting, it sends a unique access code either to your phone or email. It can act as an added layer of security when you log into any important websites. This is particularly useful for bank websites and portals that contain sensitive details.
Using encryption to secure home computer
If you encrypt your Windows or MacOS hard drive, you can prevent it from any external attack. Bitlocker (Windows) and Firevault (MacOS) are some programs that can help you with the encryption. You can also encrypt any USB flash drive for safety.
By following these easy-to-use steps, you can secure your home computer. It is important to prevent any potential security issues. If you would like to sell used computer parts, you can contact us at BuySellRam. We accept all types of computers, desktops, memory, hard drive, computer accessories and offer a good cash value in return.