Home » Blog » Advantages of using an SSD to make your computer faster Advantages of using an SSD to make your computer faster

SSDs or solid state drives offer many advantages over the traditional hard disk drives. They employ flash memory chips that can store all the instructions. Most of the new computers have SSDs as their internal storage components. Depending on the capacity, they can handle large volumes of data. You will find it useful for storing your large media files, operating system, gaming, and other bulk data. Though HDDs perform the same function of storing data, they cannot match SSDs in terms of processing speed. SSDs have exceptionally faster processing speed that is convenient for multi-tasking. Hence using an SSD can lead to many benefits for improving the overall productivity. 

If you perform multiple tasks that demand higher memory, you would find it convenient to opt for an SSD. HDD rely on mechanical parts that consist of spinning disk and arm. Due to the mechanical movement of the HDD, it cannot match the processing capability of an SSD. The spinning action can reduce the processing speed that can only make it difficult for multiple tasks. SSDs use the latest NAND technology and can eliminate many of these errors. 

How using an SSD can affect the overall speed of your computer

When you use your computer on a regular basis, you may come across certain issues. Usually, the common complaint is directed towards the speed of the computer. It may take significant time to load any applications. You may start noticing major delays or lags while using a particular program. Multi-tasking may seem impossible as the system cannot switch from one task to the other. The significant lagging can also affect your productivity and performance capability. In order to make your computer faster, you can add more RAM. It is one of the convenient ways. 

If you do not notice any significant improvement after adding RAM, you can consider using an SSD. Depending on the compatibility of your motherboard, you can easily add SSDs with different capacities. You can either choose one with a larger capacity or use multiple SSDs with lower capacities. Due to the advantages of flash memory technology, using an SSD can create a significant impact. It can help you while loading multiple applications. You would also notice that it is easy to switch between multiple tasks without any slow processes.

Functioning of SSD

SSDs use non-volatile memory chips. It can store operating systems, program files, and data. The information is stored on a permanent basis. When you send a request to the computer, the processor seeks information from the storage. The data is brought from the SSD to RAM so the CPU can process it into final output. As SSDs contain multiple flash memory chips, it can send all the data at once. As soon as a request is made, the SSD can supply the information that makes it extremely easy for multiple applications.

Using an SSD can save a lot of time, allowing you to move from one task to the other. The absence of any form of mechanical parts and subsequent mechanical movement turns into an advantage for an SSD. It is known for delivering incredible speed. In order to gain the benefit of SSDs, you can upgrade based on compatibility. As used HDDs have value in the market, you can expect a value after trading it for an upgrade. 

It is easy to determine the compatibility. Most new computers contain compatible ports for inserting SSDs. If the computer works with SATA 2 or SATA 3 hard drives, it can easily allow connectivity. After determining the cost, compatibility and purpose, you can go ahead with using an SSD for faster speed of your computer. When you install the new SSD, you would notice that it fastens the speed of your operating system. Loading multiple applications, accessing programs from the OS, and storing media files are easily possible with significant differences in capability. 

Using a new SSD for faster computer speed 

You can check the specifications of the new SSD before making a final decision. Features such as form factor, capacity, read and write speeds, age, TDW (terabytes written), and drive writes per day (DWPS) must be considered. For installing the new SSD, you can transfer all the contents from the old drive to the new one. 

If you have multiple drive bays, you can leave the old drive as a secondary backup. For example, if you have an HDD with a larger capacity, you can keep it for storing your large media files. This can include audio, video, graphics, and media. You can use the new SSD for storing your operating system and programs. It can help you to access your important data at a faster speed, while leaving the bulk on the HDD. 

In case if you do not have any open drive bay, you can opt for an SSD with a larger capacity that can handle all the data storage. You can trade your used HDD and use the amount for buying an SSD of up to 1TB. By using one with a capacity of up to 1TB, you would notice a difference in the overall speed. It is beneficial to save your operating system that usually takes about 35GB. You can save your media files and applications. A large capacity of 1TB can leave you ample room for storing any data in the future. Also, if you enjoy gaming, you would find it helpful to play most of the gaming choices. 

Additional advantages of using SSDs

Faster processing speed is undoubtedly the biggest advantage of using an SSD. Depending on the budget and purpose, it is definitely worth switching to an SSD over a traditional HDD. Besides speed, you would find many other advantages. 

1.     Efficiency and reliability

As SSDs do not contain any mechanical parts, they are reliable and secured as compared to HDDs. You would not expect any mechanical issue that can hamper your data. It is safe to store your sensitive data without worrying about data loss. 

2.     Easier to carry and easy installation

It is easy to carry SSDs as they lack delicate mechanical parts. They are relatively durable, tough, and resistant to any movements. You can also install it easily without any prior experience.

3.     Variety of capacities and sizes

SSDs have a wide range of capacity. Starting at around 120GB it can go to a maximum of 4TB. Some of the options include 250GB, 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB. In terms of size, the options include 1.0-inch, 1.8-inch, and 2.5-inch. 

By using SSDs, you can easily increase your computer speed, capability, and overall performance.